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Showing posts from August, 2018

Way to 'Financial Freedom': read top 5 books

If you are of 30 years of age and wants to become a successful businessman, then we've got some perfect books for you which will surely help you. Whomsoever wants to become self-dependent, successful and a business magnet, one must read 1.  The wealth of Nations: Adam smith wasn't in the favor of trading infact he always wanted regulations to be in place so that the monopoly can be controlled. 2.  Extraordinary Popular Decision and the Madness of Crowds: Charles Mackay has mentioned that the activities are being affected by emotions and wrong company which we are into. Charles explained about the stock of South Sea company and called it a 'bubble'. The terminologies which is being used in this book still being used today. 3. How to win friends and influence people: Dale Carnegie clearly explains the characteristics of a businessman. The tricks and traits of business relationship can easily be understand in a systematic step-by-step manner. Case study...

Short yet meaningful story: 99 club!!

One fine day, A king has decided for a long walk with his quick-witted minister; while walking, the king saw a farmer and his family dancing, cheering and supporting each other with full heart. The king was amazed by seeing all happy faces of that farmer's family and spontaneously asked to his minister: How is it possible that they are more happier than us? The minister politely replied: They aren't the official member of the "99 club"? The King asked in return: What is "99 club"? Minister said: Give me 99 gold coins and 6 months time, i will tell you. The king gave exact 99 gold coins to his minister, minister kept it in a bag and placed it near to that farmer house. Next morning, the farmer found that bag filled with 99 gold coins, he felt excited and immediately started yelling; his wife and son came in a jiffy. Then, farmer started counting gold coins, he counted twice, thrice but still the count was same "99", then her wife cou...

Inspirational Story: Life is all about getting out of 'comfort zone'.

Well there's an amazing say: " The one who dare, is the one who conquer " and this story truly depicts that. Two children; best friends of each other, 'Robert (10 years old) and Joseph (13 years old)' always stays with each other. They usually perform all daily tasks together like studying, playing, singing, dancing etc. One fine day, they were playing hide and seek in a park, having great time together and soon, Robert ran and hide behind a tree and Joseph started looking for him everywhere but he couldn't able to find him, still he didn't give up; he kept on looking everywhere as Joseph is his best friend. After crossing several trees, muddy path and several hurdles, he found a clue which indicates where Joseph is hidden? Now, Joseph also realize that he might being found hidden, so he started moving backwards and started looking for other safe place to hide himself. But, unfortunately as he was moving back, he didn't notice that he came quit...

Inner and outer life: How to conquer fear?

Most of the time it happens, that one tend to commit some mistakes knowingly or unknowingly which resulted in fear of not doing something new, those could be related to relations huge loss in business wrong investments decisions past memories etc. So, to overcome all of them, here's we've got a perfect solution/rules for you: Rule no. 1: -> Genuinely accept the mistake. For e.g. in case of getting into a relationship, a quick decision being taken rather than knowing the other person more. So, the outcome of this rule would be: "You will never take any big decision in a jiffy" Rule no. 2: -> After accepting, just dont' stick to it, grow out of it, look for alternatives. For e.g. Learn from the past mistakes, move over and get into the root cause of it so that you shouldn't recommit the same mistake (Very important). Rule no. 3: -> Mistake is only called a mistake, if you repeat it more than once. For instance, not learning somethi...

Time Managment: Best Lessons Learned

Beautiful Proverb: "Time is the only thing that money can't buy" So, we should relax our mind and sit ideal for a moment or two and reorganize the priorities of our lives. Instead of running behind money, we should prioritize our tasks wrt time. Most of us; always in a dilemma that, we've already learnt how to spent time wisely but unfortunately, as per a survey, 80% individuals don't spend it wisely. Let us understand it in-depth and make ourselves more organized by following simple tips: Jolly moments should be scheduled: We tend to prioritize our tasks in the order "Most important to important" but there are some moments; which let's us feel energize and ooz with confidence. The whole point is scheduling both, "Professional and Personal". As per a proven study, if you do tasks that makes you feel happier in life, you get more energy and confidence in doing that for a longer period of time. Proper optimization of time: ...