If you are of 30 years of age and wants to become a successful businessman, then we've got some perfect books for you which will surely help you. Whomsoever wants to become self-dependent, successful and a business magnet, one must read
1. The wealth of Nations:

Adam smith wasn't in the favor of trading infact he always wanted regulations to be in place so that the monopoly can be controlled.
2. Extraordinary Popular Decision and the Madness of Crowds:

Charles Mackay has mentioned that the activities are being affected by emotions and wrong company which we are into. Charles explained about the stock of South Sea company and called it a 'bubble'. The terminologies which is being used in this book still being used today.
3. How to win friends and influence people:

Dale Carnegie clearly explains the characteristics of a businessman. The tricks and traits of business relationship can easily be understand in a systematic step-by-step manner. Case study being conducted on more than 200 individuals, from them, Dale carnegie concluded all the traits and so, all are practically proven facts.
4. The Power of Positive Thinking:

One needs to have internal qualities like strong will power, decision making capability and delegation skills are the key characteristics of an individual according to Norman Vincet Peale. This book will give you skills to have strong mindset in difficult situations.
5. Solution Selling:

Prior to launching of this book, mostly sales person engaged in direct selling without even letting know the requirements of the customer but through this book, 'Keith Eades', gave a new direction to the selling perspective to the companies and also to the sales individuals. A must read book, if you want to create a process of selling product after knowing the requirements and after suggesting.
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