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Inspirational Story: Life is all about getting out of 'comfort zone'.

Well there's an amazing say: "The one who dare, is the one who conquer" and this story truly depicts that.
Two children; best friends of each other, 'Robert (10 years old) and Joseph (13 years old)' always stays with each other. They usually perform all daily tasks together like studying, playing, singing, dancing etc.
Best friends.jpg
One fine day, they were playing hide and seek in a park, having great time together and soon, Robert ran and hide behind a tree and Joseph started looking for him everywhere but he couldn't able to find him, still he didn't give up; he kept on looking everywhere as Joseph is his best friend. After crossing several trees, muddy path and several hurdles, he found a clue which indicates where Joseph is hidden? Now, Joseph also realize that he might being found hidden, so he started moving backwards and started looking for other safe place to hide himself. But, unfortunately as he was moving back, he didn't notice that he came quite far and after taking a few step backwards, he lost his balance and fall into a big well and soon starting shouting for "help" but as he is a small child, he couldn't able to shout much louder but still he kept on shouting as he was drowning because he didn't know how to swim?
While; on the other hand, Robert kept on looking for all the places and luckily he reached there and as soon as he saw his friend is drowning in water, he started looking for some object through which he could able to lift him out of that deep well, he saw a big rope attached with a bucket; without any doubt, he promptly throw that bucket in that deep well and told Joseph to catch that bucket, so that he could lift him out of the well.
Although, Robert is young; still he used all his energy and will power and started pulling rope with all the force. He kept on stretching (as there were no one who could help him out) till he get his friend Joseph out of the well. The moment Joseph came out; they both hugged each other, they thanked the god and left for their home.
After reaching home; all family members have asked to narrate the entire incident happened with them and when they shared that incident, no one ready to believe in them and in fact started asking them, how would it be possible for a young boy to lift the elder boy? Suddenly, an old person interrupt in between, why you aren't believing on them?, he said in an anonymous tone. he continued saying that Robert has just mentioned that how he pull Joseph out of that well?, still you are asking but family members were amazed by this incident and still they kept on asking, how it is possible, from where he got that courage?
Interestingly, the old man replied: It's only because, there were no one at that place to told Robert that "You can't do it" and that is the prime reason, that he could able to lift Joseph out and this happens with all of us.
We tend to bow down against problems and at the same instant, problem started getting bigger on us because either we try to run away from it or else feeling scared out of it.
Moral of the story: Never give up; whatever circumstances/difficulties arrived in your path because only god knows that you are capable to take stand against it.


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