One fine day, A king has decided for a long walk with his quick-witted minister; while walking, the king saw a farmer and his family dancing, cheering and supporting each other with full heart.

The king was amazed by seeing all happy faces of that farmer's family and spontaneously asked to his minister: How is it possible that they are more happier than us?
The minister politely replied: They aren't the official member of the "99 club"?
The King asked in return: What is "99 club"?

Minister said: Give me 99 gold coins and 6 months time, i will tell you.
The king gave exact 99 gold coins to his minister, minister kept it in a bag and placed it near to that farmer house. Next morning, the farmer found that bag filled with 99 gold coins, he felt excited and immediately started yelling; his wife and son came in a jiffy. Then, farmer started counting gold coins, he counted twice, thrice but still the count was same "99", then her wife counted but still it was same. The farmer got puzzled and asked himself, How fool that person, who kept gold coins bag of 99 only, why not 100 (round figure)?
At the same instant, he decided to work hard just to earn 1 gold coin more to make it 100 and he kept all his work aligned and started working for that 1 gold coin. Though he knew, that he won't be able to earn even if he work for next few years.
After a few days, his wife spent 2 coins as he knew that he won't be able to earn 1 gold coin. Same evening, the farmer again counted, (as it was his daily habit) to his surprise, he found it was, "97", he promptly asks; where are two gold coins?, his wife replied: i took it and done the shopping. The farmer started yelling at her and next day, his son took 2 coins out of it, this time the farmer was more angry than ever and soon all the happiness, cheerful moments which their family had, passed away and in this process, almost 6 months had passed.
So, after 6 months time, Minister took his king to the same place and to king's surprise; he found that the farmer's entire family quarreling with each other, the buzz had gone, the life had gone and all the happiness ruined (A kind of nightmare for king)
Now, king couldn't resist and asked his minister: "What is 99 club", and very calmly minister answered, "99 club" is a club of those, who have 99 gold coins and running after that 1; they don't use their 99.
Through this, i learnt a few important lessons in life:
- don't wait for destination, start living every moment to the fullest.
- Whatever tasks i have but i won't postpone my satisfaction.

"Happiness is a journey, not a destination"!!
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