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Inner and outer life: How to conquer fear?

Most of the time it happens, that one tend to commit some mistakes knowingly or unknowingly which resulted in fear of not doing something new, those could be
  • related to relations
  • huge loss in business
  • wrong investments decisions
  • past memories etc.
So, to overcome all of them, here's we've got a perfect solution/rules for you:
Light bulb - idea.jpg
Rule no. 1:
-> Genuinely accept the mistake.
For e.g. in case of getting into a relationship, a quick decision being taken rather than knowing the other person more. So, the outcome of this rule would be: "You will never take any big decision in a jiffy"
Rule no. 2:
-> After accepting, just dont' stick to it, grow out of it, look for alternatives.
For e.g. Learn from the past mistakes, move over and get into the root cause of it so that you shouldn't recommit the same mistake (Very important).
Rule no. 3:
-> Mistake is only called a mistake, if you repeat it more than once.
For instance, not learning something from the past failures, is the biggest blunder, one can make.
Rule no. 4:
-> Always recall yourself: "Whatever mistakes happened in my life, i still have an edge over them (look it from this universe angle)"
Rule no. 5:
-> By following all above 4 rules honestly and genuinely, a day will come when you rise above all mistakes, sorrows and stupidity done earlier and you become mature.Matured person.jpg


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