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How to be Confident - 6 Actions to be taken

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21st century, word "Confident" seems small; though when it matter most, it doesn't actually work that way out. A confident person never hesitates in sharing thoughts, ideas or opinions regardless of various platforms.
"A confident person has all the attributes of becoming a good leader and a leader always takes decisions from heart", so one can say that whichever decision, we take from our heart and if we implemented in the practical world, the chances of getting success increases tremendously but only a few of us are actually showing confidence at our will that is the reason in this world, there are a very few leader and many followers.
What do you want to be in your life? A leader or a follower, decide now because once time is gone, it will never comes back but a confidence person always keeping himself ahead of time. There are many more important characteristics of an amazingly confident person, let's discuss it one by one:
Dress for the moment
As per my real-life experience, there were many candidates appeared for the position in a organization. Most of them were in shaggy clothes, unshaved stubble and carrying very poor hygiene. Straightaway, 95% of the candidates being sent back, they didn't even get the chance to showcase their talent but i was perfectly dressed for that interview, in full formal attire although i was not much knowledgeable but i was oozing with confidence, just because i dressed for the moment.
So, my friend 'seize the moment and always, Dress for the moment'.
Get that Self-image extremely high:
Just like when we stand in front of a mirror, we tend to see a true and complete depiction of us, similarly, self-image is a true reflection of how confident we are in that moment. One can really boost that self-image very high just by following a few positive self-talk or by using positive affirmation for e.g. Confidence, commitment and courageous, defines me perfectly. Practice it every day while standing in front of a mirror. Believe me, it will work wonders for you.
Make a habit of doing complex task first:
There's a book "eat that frog" by Brian Tracy and its major emphasis being given on doing complex topics at the very beginning. In turn, it will let you do easier tasks in the blink of an eye and that is the moment where-in you feel that nothing is impossible & you see that your confidence is on its peak.
Turn your brain in thinking positive thoughts:
Whenever we are talking, listening or doing any other activity, there's this habit that a common human man has which is the argument of thoughts running in mind, means simultaneously at the same time, two or more thoughts collides and ultimate result is , delaying in decisions. So, first it is quintessential to win over our mind because its' the mind which feels lazy and so the body reacts afterwards but if we could able to nurture our thoughts in the more positive way, we could become very good problem solver and decision maker, which certainly gives a tremendous boost to our confidence.
Introduce yourself to the best person i.e. "You":
Rather than worrying about your surrounding or quickly reacting to people opinions about you, make an informed decision by knowing yourself well. You can do this by doing positive self-talk or by reading best self-help books like How to win friends and influence people, The pursuit of happiness, The power of Now & many more because when you read books, you are actually nurturing your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and in this process, you also get a chance to discover yourself because unless and until, you don't do that, your life will be full of compromises. You have got only one life, make it large & live it to the fullest. Get that confident person out of you!!
Show Gratitude:
Last but not the very least, start thanking yourself for all the work you do in a day and make sure whatever you do, you do it with full conviction and give your 100% every single time. As more you thank yourself, your surrounding and your peers, you see that life always gives you that fulfillment of achieving your aspiration and that is the moment, as an human being must receive. It is way more than earning money or getting accustomed with materialistic world and that's where, we shall find the true meaning of our existence.



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