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Second Step of Confidence: Using Effective communication

Till this point, i hope you are pretty clear about how to overcome self-doubt and convert it into an opportunity to grab attention. But, there are some scenarios where-in there are some aggressive colleagues, which will always makes your job more tougher & even very difficult to grab that chance to present. Let's understand this by a practical scenario which i've faced during my job:
While in the beginning of my career after MBA from where i acquired several skill-set including effective presentation, efficient communication, team building skills & many more because in today's corporate world, you can't trust anybody easily, one needs time and persistence. So, ultimately it becomes extremely tough to get the work done or even putting your point forward to grab attention. In my case, it was my immediate senior who was having a pleasant personality but if you are working under him, believe me, he won't let you speak at any instant. He, by his nature; very dominating, always likes to dominate the situation from the word go. Whether it's a business meeting, corporate presentation, client meet-up or management review, it felt almost impossible to share anything. That's why, I started feeling pretty insecure by his attitude and thoughts, it won't be possible to cope-up with him but the situation even gets more worse when i had decided to keep the paper down but fortunately, i got to know from a few of my MBA colleagues that it wasn't my problem, in-fact, in their's organization also, there were some employees, such like my senior.
So, i make up my mind to counter this situation by changing my communication style and now, for everything; i started behaving very innocent like i was completely unaware of the situation and always use to ask the silly questions. Ultimately, it made him feel uncomfortable and i've started getting my moments during the meeting to share the views and i knew that if i get just once chance, i could able to convert it in my favor.
One fine day, we went to visit one corporate to showcase the company's expertise, understanding the client's requirements and also, converting that account for our organization. I remember, he felt so frustrated that while in the midst of the conversation, he gave me an opportunity to share the entire presentation and discussion ahead to the next level, while in that meeting, all top-notch & experienced individuals of that organization were consistently bothering him. So, i took the presentation from there on and i knew that i had done my prior research quite well, which clearly helps me to put my point forward & also to handle the Q&A sessions, in the perfect manner. Result is, that our company got that biggest account ever and also i started getting the respect, i deserved.
So, whole point of view is to be Natural in your communication and wait for that one moment which could let you change everyone's mindset towards you & it'd ultimately be pretty easy for you to deal with such person, like my senior.
Share, if you have such instance!!


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