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Stress Management: Using Self-help techniques to deal with Stress

It is the most common problem in Modern Lives, "Dealing with Stress". Its' been found out while doing interactions with Teenagers; that almost 70-75% of them are suffering from stress like loneliness, Following major deadlines, Assignments, Workloads etc. Mostly, teenagers seems overburdened & falling short of getting a good companion etc.
So, we shall be learning, what are the different ways through which we can encounter Stress or in short, proven tips and tricks to manage or channelize stress effectively.
But, let's first start by understanding, what 'Stress Management' actually is:

Stress management is all about taking charge: of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. No matter how stressful your life seems, there are steps you can take to relieve the pressure and regain control.

To be more highly productive, more happy and most importantly, full of life in each and every second. The ultimate goal of effective Stress Management is to have balanced life, more time for fulfilling achievement, relaxation and meeting challenges but stress management is not one-size-fits-all. So, by following below mentioned tips, one can easily understand 'Stress Management'.
1. From, where the stress is originating?
The most crucial stage, identifying where the problem lies? It seems easy but practically, very tough. For e.g. If someone is scared of workload, typical tasks or suffering from own thoughts (creating in own world), feelings & behavior etc are all the symptoms of stress but who is having which type of it, typical to understand and evaluate. So, to identify at a beginner level, we must:
  • At a nascent stage, one has to explain well that Stress is temporary but good habits are permanent.
  • Is stress, being an integral part of your work or home life or is it your personality just like that?
  • Whenever a critical situation arises, do you blame yourself or others?

So, overall, its at first you have to understand responsibility and by knowing the root cause of the problem, start taking positive actions on it.
2. Pinpointing the root cause:
After identification, its' important we must use below mentioned techniques to do some positive changes:
  • Get your properly assigned To-do-list.
  • Start controlling your surrounding and also people with whom you feel, stressed out.
  • Most importantly, start saying 'NO", to the things; you don't like or feel.

Once we gauze the situation or people/environment who is stressing us out:
  • Start expressing your thoughts instead of mounting up.
  • if required, do compromise.
  • Scheduling or Maintaining balance between personal and official life.

In some cases, the situation is not in your control because one can control himself/herself but other person can't. So, we must:
  • Reassess the situation (e.g. if your phone is causing you trouble, so instead of coxing, better buy another one)
  • Start looking things in broader way.
  • No one is perfect and no one can't be, so we must adjust standards accordingly.
  • Very important, do meditate regularly and start showing gratitude.

In a very few cases, some unseen or unavoidable circumstances being occurred (for e.g. death, illness or natural calamity etc.), then one must:
  • The scenario is such, which is uncontrollable so better leave it as it is.
  • Learn to forgive.

3.Take that action out of you:
This is by far the best thing to overcome stress. Whenever you feel low or out of mood, get up and start dancing or go for a long walk with your dog, go for mountain climbing (trekking), start exercising (not necessarily visiting gym) at your home, use the stairs (Not elevator), doing salsa or zumba, play games like ping-pong or activity based video games etc. By doing certain actions, all the nervousness, anxiety and fear will remove and you'll feel very nimble.

4. Sharing is Caring:
Whomsoever, in your life, you feel; very trustworthy, without thinking any moment ahead, just call or meet that person and share all your worries, sorrows, deepest feelings & happiest moments spent in past, you will certainly eased out and you'll experience the stress reduces drastically.
5. In your To-Do-List, keep a dedicated slot of Relaxation or Fun:
While relaxing (meditating) or just taking deep breaths, start recollecting all the memorable moments you've had in your life. This will calm you down and converting your surroundings into more calm and soother. You can also start inculcating fun activities e.g. the act of laughing (yoga), playing guitar or any instruments which you like, or walking in a lush green garden every morning etc.
There are two instances: one is being constant & doing nothing, are two difference scenarios but both have the capability to take your stress out.
Do let know, if you have experienced other ways to conquer stress, in the comments below.


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