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10 ways to reduce Carbon Footprint

It's the biggest problem for the entire humanity. Climate change and its devastating effect on the planet is steadily showing its effect and in the longer run, it would cause a serious damage, if not being controlled now. Since the Industrial Revolution, human sources of carbon dioxide emissions have been growing. Human activities such as the burning of oil, coal and gas, as well as deforestation are the primary cause of the increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.
It will be pretty clear after going through this article that putting an alarm on increase rate of Carbon Footprints, in-fact its about ways to reduce it. There are many organizations, individuals and other government institutions are taking a lot of initiatives but let us understand in detail what could be the most effective ways to reduce it to a certain extent.
  1. Driving: Heavy motors should avoid driving in the heavily congested areas, not only this; it's also quintessential that how well they are driving also makes quite a stronger impact on reducing Carbon Footprint. Also, finding alternatives to Petrol or diesel could seriously play a vital role but it has to be environment friendly and good in cost effectiveness.
  2. Lightbulbs: Major impact you can see in reducing footprint by switching all lights of your home to compact fluorescent bulbs & by doing that, it will give a massive boost in saving electricity as it can reduce 1300 pounds of carbon dioxide pollution during its lifetime.
  3. Physical Activity: Instead of driving to work, just take a walk and if you have to travel far, you can take public transport like buses, rail networks or the alternative option to start using bicycle or just jog for the easy tasks; where we don't require our vehicle.
  4. Gadgets: By simply put on a habit of unplugging charger, Turning your laptop off and whichever gadgets; if possible switch it off. Obviously, it's not good for you, but believe me, its just perfect for planet. Although, it'd be extremely tough to adopt all these habits, as we are quite used to it but honestly suggesting, it will surely makes a good impact in lowering your electricity bill.
  5. Red Meat: Veg food items can be recycled easily, however it's the greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural products such as cattle and poultry are the major concerns. So, the best solution is less consumption, the lesser it will be consumed, the more footprints can be reduced.
  6. Laptop vs Desktop: Fundamentally, laptops are designed to be energy efficient than Desktop and its batter life is the major factor behind. All the major components i.e. LCD panels, Hard Drives & adapters etc are making laptop a better tool for the planet.
  7. Recycle and re-use: As its mentioned above, all the vegetable food items can be recycled by converting into compost. Similarly, the best example of getting 'haste from waste' is "making carry bags through waste items", by doing this, we can do our bit in reducing carbon footprint.
  8. Adjusting Curtains and Thermostat: Thermostat plays a good role in changing the temperature, either up or down by a few degrees which in turn could drastically reduce your electricity bill. Like, we can keep our house 2 degree warmer in the summer and two degrees cooler in the winter. Correspondingly, by opening or closing home curtains as per the need, like in summer, in the afternoon time, don't let the sun rays get in the home by closing the curtains and in evening, opening it up, so that cool wind can come inside.
  9. Print or Digital: You might have seen many advertisements majorly based on using Digital media more and also if necessary, print papers but are we actually following it on a day to day basis? We also have to make sure, that if we are getting Newspapers in our home everyday, so we must recycle them also. In case of using Digital items, make sure that the best usage of gadgets can be made, when it's switched off.
  10. Lastly, plantation: Not just plant a tree, please also take regular steps in conserving it on a day-to-day basis. As per Urban Forestry Network, a single young tree absorbs 13 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. So, if you conserve a tree till 10 years, you are actually saving two persons lives because of the oxygen that tree will omit.
It's my sincere request, to please keep this planet, a place where many upcoming generations can breath fresh air.
Do let know, if you have some more interesting ways to reduce Carbon Footprint.


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